Thursday, November 30, 2017

Onlays : A Seminar


Taggart permanently changed the practice of restorative dentistry by introducing his technique for cast gold dental restorations, such that, today, cast dental restorations and appliances have become basic treatment modalities in dentistry.
            The Class II onlay involves the proximal surfaces of a posterior tooth, and caps all of the cusps.
The procedure requires two appointments: the first for preparing the tooth and making an impression, and the second for delivering the restoration to the patient. The fabrication process is referred to as an indirect procedure because the casting is made on a replica of the prepared tooth in a dental laboratory.


1.    In extensive proximal surface caries in posterior teeth involving buccal and lingual line angles.
2.    In patients with good oral hygiene and low caries index.
3.    Post endodontic restoration are preferably restored by onlay to strengthen the remaining tooth structure and to distribute occlusal forces.
4.    In teeth with extensive restoration, sometimes fracture line is present in enamel and dentin. Inlay/onlay can brace the tooth and prevent fragmentation of the tooth.
5.    To maintain and restore proper interproximal contact and contour and for occlusal plane correction.
6.      When there are other teeth present already restored with cast metal restorations.
7.    In posterior teeth with heavy occlusal forces and attrition.


1.    Facial and lingual (especially lin­gual) smooth-surface caries is indicative of a high caries activity that should be brought under control before ex­pensive cast metal restorations are used.
2.    With younger patients amalgam or composite is usually the restorative material of choice for Class I and Class II restorations unless the tooth is severely broken down or endodontically treated.
3.    The dentist must consider the esthetic im­pact (display of metal) of the cast metal restoration. This factor often limits the use of cast metal restorations to tooth surfaces that are not visible at a conversational distance.
4.    Because of the success of both amalgam and composite, few cast metal inlays are done in small Class I and II restorations.


1.    The inherent strength of dental casting al­loys allows them to restore large damaged or missing areas and be used in ways that protect the tooth from future fracture injury.
2.    As previously mentioned, high gold dental casting alloys are quite unreactive in the oral environment.
3.    Castings are able to withstand oc­clusal loads with minimal changes. This is especially important in large restorations that restore a large percentage of occlusal contacts.
4.    Through the use of the indirect technique, the dentist has great control over contours and contacts.
5.    Casting techniques and materials are capable of reproducing precise form and minute detail.
6.    Cast restorations can be finished, polished or glazed out-side the oral cavity.

1.    The cast inlay requires at least two appoint­ments and much more time than a direct restoration, such as amalgam or composite.
2.    Patients must have temporary restora­tions between the preparation and delivery appoint­ments.
3.    In some instances, cost to the patient becomes a major consideration in the decision to restore teeth with cast metal restorations.
4.    Every step of the indirect proce­dure requires diligence and attention to detail. Errors at any part of the long, multi step process tends to be com­pounded, resulting in a less-than-optimal restoration.
5.    Small inlays may produce a wedg­ing effect on facial and/or lingual tooth structure, and thereby increase the potential for splitting the tooth.
6.    Leakage around and under a cast restoration is the most complicated and has the highest dimension among all restorative materials. This leakage will be more pronounced gingivally than at other parts of the restoration.

There are 3 principles of tooth preparation for cast restorations:

·         Preparation path
·         Apico-occlusal taper of the preparation.
·         Circumferential tie
Preparation path

The preparation will have a single insertion path, opposite to the direction of the occlusal loading. All reductions in tooth structure, whether intra- or extra-coronal, should be oriented towards one path, the path of withdrawal and insertion of the future wax pattern and restoration. This path is usually parallel to the long axis of the tooth crown.

 Apico-occlusal taper of a preparation

For maximum retention in a cast restoration, opposing walls and opposing axial surfaces of a tooth preparation should be perfectly parallel to each other. Since exact parallelism can create technical problems in pro­cessing and in getting final materials into and out of the prep­aration, a slight divergence of opposing walls intracoronally are essential to facilitate cast fabri­cation with minimum errors.

Circumferential Tie:

Special attention should be paid to the marginal peripheries of the preparation, and every effort should be made to design and prepare these marginal peripheries to create the most favorable relationship with the restoring casting and luting cement & tooth. This peripheral marginal anatomy of the preparation is called "circumferential tie",
If the margin ends on enamel, enamel walls should fulfill all requirements advocated by Noy for an ideal cavity wall, namely:
o   Enamel must be supported by sound dentin;
o   Enamel rods forming the cavosurface margin should be continuous with sound dentin;
o   Enamel rods forming the cavosurface margin should be covered with the restorative material and
o   Angular cavosurface angles should be trimmed.
Cast restorations are the only restorations that can fulfill these requirements, for the simple reason that they are stronger than tooth structure.

Types and Design Features of Occlusal and Gingival Bevels

According to their shapes and types of tissue involvement there are six types of bevels:
Partial bevel:
This involves part of the enamel wall, not exceeding two-thirds of its dimension. This is usually not used in cast restorations, except to trim weak enamel rods from margin pe­ripheries.
Short bevel
           This includes the entire enamel wall, but not dentin. This bevel is used mostly with Class I alloys specially for type 1 and 2.

Long bevel
This includes all of the enamel wall and up to one-half of the dentinal wall. This is the most frequently used bevel for the first three classes of cast materials. Its major advantage is that it preserves the internal "boxed-up" resistance and reten­tion features of the preparation.
Full bevel
This includes all of the dentinal and enamel walls of the cavity wall or floor. Although it is well reproduced by all four classes of cast alloys,

When capping cusps to protect and support them, this type of bevel is used, opposite to an axial cavity wall, on the facial or lingual surface of the tooth, and it will have a gingival inclination facially or lingually.

Hollow ground (concave) bevel:
 All of the aforementioned types of bevels are in the form of a flat plane, but any of them, especially the last three, can be prepared in a concave form. This allows more space for cast material bulk, a design feature needed in special preparations to improve material's castability retention and better resistance to stresses.
For the facial and lingual proximal walls in intracoronal cavity preparations for castings, flares are used, which are the flat or concave peripheral portions of the facial and lingual walls.

Types and Design Features of Facial and Lingual Flares

There are two types of flares.

a.         The primary flare is the conventional and basic part of the circumferential tie facially and lingually for an intracoronal preparation. It is very similar to a long bevel formed of enamel and part of the dentin on the facial or lingual wall. Primary flares always have a specific angulation, i.e., 45° to the inner dentinal wall proper. They may be hollow ground if they are part of the circumferential tie and the prep­aration is for a non-noble alloy or cast ceramics.

Functions and indications for primary flares

These design features perform the same functions as bevels. In addition, they can bring the facial and lingual margins of the cavity preparation to cleansable-finishable areas. They are indicated for any facial or lingual proximal wall of ah intra­coronal cavity preparation. If they fulfill the objectives of a preparation circumferential tie they will be the most peripheral part of the proximal preparation; if not, a secondary flare must be placed peripheral to them.
b.         The secondary flare is almost always a flat plane superimposed peripherally to a primary flare. Sometimes it is prepared in a hollow ground form to accommodate materials with low castability. Usually it is prepared solely in enamel, but sometimes it may contain some dentin in all or parts of its surfaces. Unlike primary flares, secondary flares may have different angulations, involvement and extent, de-pending on their function.                                                                                               

Functions and indications of secondary flares

In addition to performing the functions mentioned for bevels, secondary flares have other specific indications. In very widely extended lesions bucco-lingually, the buccal and lingual tooth structure will be badly thinned; the primary flare will end with acute-angled marginal tooth structure, occasionally with un-supported enamel. A secondary superimposed flare at the correct angulation can create the needed obtuse angulation of the marginal tooth structure. This is done without any sacrifice in the preparation resistance and retention, because the wall proper and primary flares are maintained at their proper locations and angulations.
In very broad contact areas or malposed contact areas, the primary flare will not bring the facial and/or lingual margins to finishable-cleansable areas. However, a secondary flare will accomplish this without changing the fixed 45° angulation of the primary flare necessary for resistance and retention.
In ovoid teeth peripheral marginal undercuts are especially apt to be present occlusoapically on the facial and/or lingual peripheries of the cavity preparation. A cast restoration fabricated in an indirect technique for this preparation will definitely end with marginal failure (misfit). Elimination of these undercuts via wall proper or primary flare extension will unnecessarily involve and weaken tooth structure. However, a secondary flare superimposed on a primary flare in the correct angulation and extent can eliminate these undercuts with minimal sacrifice of tooth structure, Surface defects or decalcifications, etc., facial or lingual to the primary flare's facial or lingual margin respectively, can be involved in the preparation with a secondary flare without the need to extend or angulate the primary flare more than indicated.


In addition to the principal retention forms previously de­scribed (parallelism, dovetails, surface area frictional retention, circumferential tie, and masticatory loads directed to seat the restoration), there are numerous auxiliary means of retention for cast restorations:

a. Luting cements

Their action is primarily mechanical, locking the cast to tooth structure by filling the space between them, wetting the details of both the casting and tooth preparation and filling in these vacancies or irregularities. Cements remain in one solid mass, immobilizing the cast to the tooth. Some cements can create a physico-chemical bonding with parts of the tooth substance. Others can do the same thing with some tooth components and a treated tooth surface of the casting. Some can etch enamel to allow the enamel surface to be wetted with the cement. These ways can work together to retain the casting in or on the tooth. However, all of them are still considered auxiliary means since none of them can substitute for frictional retention. All cements are susceptible to dissolution by oral fluids. In addition, they are far weaker than the casting or the tooth structure.

b. Grooves

All types of grooves should be located completely in dentin. “They can be internal in an intracoronal preparation cut at the expense of the dentinal portion of the facial or lingual walls or the gingival floors proximally.
Generally, internal grooves are indicated when the di­mensions of the walls are fairly limited and a locking mech­anism for the restoration is needed proximally (facially and lingually) in addition to an occlusal dovetail. Internal grooves are contraindicated if there is any danger of impinging on the pulp chamber or root canal system, undermining or involving an axial angle of the tooth or undermining adjacent enamel.         

c. Reverse  bevel

This is placed at the expense of the gingival floor, creating an internal  dentinal plane inclining gingivally-axially, locking the restoration and preventing proximal displacement. It always has a flat dentinal transition between it and the proximal gingival bevel.  It can only be used when the gingival floor has sufficient  dimension to accommodate it without decreasing the resistance form of the restoration (flat portion of gingival floor).

Ideally,  reverse bevels are prepared using gingival margin trimmers.  


The cast metal onlay restoration spans the gap between the inlay, which is primarily an intracoronal restoration, and the full crown, which is a totally extracoronal restoration. The full onlay by definition caps all of the cusps of a posterior tooth and can be designed to help strengthen a tooth that has been weakened by caries or previous restorative experiences. It can be designed to distribute occlusal loads over the tooth in a manner that greatly decreases the chance of future fracture.4,6 It is more conservative of the tooth structure than the full crown preparation, and its supragingival margins, when possible, are less irritating to the gingiva. Usually, an onlay diagnosis is made pre-operatively because of the tooth's status. Sometimes, the diagnosis is deferred until the extension of the occlusal step of an inlay preparation facially and lingually to the limits of the caries lesion shows that cusp reduction is mandatory. The mandibular first molar is used to illustrate one mesio-occluso-distal preparation for a full cast metal onlay.

Initial Preparation

Occlusal Reduction

As soon as the decision is made to restore the tooth with a full cast metal onlay, the cusps should be reduced because this improves the access and the visibility for subsequent steps in tooth preparation. With the cusps reduced, the efficiency of the cutting instrument and the air-water cooling spray is improved. Also, when the cusps are reduced, it is easier to assess the height of the remaining clinical crown of the tooth, which determines the degree of occlusal divergence necessary for adequate retention form. Using the No. 271 carbide bur held parallel to the long axis of the tooth crown, a 2-mm deep pulpal floor is prepared along the central groove. To verify the pre-operative diagnosis for cusp reduction, this occlusal preparation is extended facially and lingually just beyond the caries to sound tooth structure. The groove should not be extended farther, however, than two thirds the distance from the central groove to the cusp tips because the need for cusp reduction is verified at this point. With the side of the No. 271 carbide bur, uniform 1.5-mm deep depth cuts are prepared on the remaining occlusal surface. Depth cuts usually are placed on the crest of the triangular ridges and in the facial and lingual groove regions. These depth cuts help prevent thin spots in the final restoration. If a cusp is in infraocclusion of the desired occlusal plane before reduction, the amount of cusp reduction is less and needs only that which provides the required clearance with the desired occlusal plane. Caries and old restorative material that is deeper in the tooth than the desired clearance are not removed at this step in preparation.
With the depth cuts serving as guides for the amount of reduction, the cusp reduction is completed with the side of the No. 271 bur. When completed, this reduction should reflect the general topography of the original occlusal surface. The operator should not attempt to reduce the mesial and distal marginal ridges completely at this time to avoid hitting an adjacent tooth. The remainder of the ridges are reduced in a later step when the proximal boxes are prepared.
Throughout the next steps in the initial preparation, the cutting instruments used to develop the vertical walls are oriented continually to a single draw path, usually the long axis of the tooth crown, so that the completed preparation has draft (i.e., no undercuts). For mandibular molars and second premolars whose crowns tilt slightly lingually, the bur should be tilted slightly (5–10 degrees) lingually to help preserve the strength of the lingual cusps. The gingival-to-occlusal divergence of these preparation walls may range from 2 to 5 degrees from the line of draw, depending on their heights. If the vertical walls are unusually short, a minimum of 2 degrees occlusal divergence is desirable for retentive purposes. Cusp reduction appreciably decreases the retention form because it decreases the height of the vertical walls, so this minimal amount of divergence is often indicated in the preparation of a tooth for a cast metal onlay. As the gingivo-occlusal height of the vertical walls increases, the occlusal divergence should increase, allowing 5 degrees in the preparation of the greatest gingivo-occlusal length. The latter preparations present difficulties during pattern withdrawal, trial seating and withdrawal of the casting, and cementing, unless this maximal divergence is provided.

Occlusal Step

After cusp reduction, a 0.5-mm deep occlusal step should be present in the central groove region between the reduced cuspal inclines and the pulpal floor. Maintaining the pulpal depth (0.5 mm) of the step, it is extended facially and lingually just beyond any carious areas, to sound tooth structure (or to sound base or restorative material if certain conditions, discussed subsequently, have been met). Next, the operator extends the step mesially and distally far enough to expose the proximal DEJ. The step is extended along any remaining facial (and lingual) occlusal fissures as far as they are faulty (fissured). The facial and lingual walls of the occlusal step should go around the cusps in graceful curves, and the isthmus should be only as wide as necessary to be in sound tooth structure or sound base or restorative material. Old restorative material or caries that is deeper pulpally than this 0.5-mm step is not removed at this stage of tooth preparation.
As the occlusal step approaches the mesial and distal surfaces, it should widen faciolingually in anticipation of the proximal box extensions. This 0.5-mm occlusal step contributes to the retention of the restoration and provides the wax pattern and cast metal onlay with additional bulk for rigidity.

Proximal Box

Continuing with the No. 271 carbide bur held parallel to the long axis of the tooth crown, the proximal boxes are prepared as described in the inlay section.

Final Preparation

Removal of Infected Carious Dentin and Defective Restorative Materials and Pulp Protection

If the occlusal step and the proximal boxes have been extended properly, any caries or previous restorative materials remaining on the pulpal and axial walls should be visible. They should be removed as described previously.

Preparation of Bevels and Flares

After the cement base (when indicated) is completed, the slender, flame-shaped, fine-grit diamond instrument is used to place counterbevels on the reduced cusps, to apply the gingival bevels, and to create secondary flares on the facial and lingual walls of the proximal boxes. First, a gingival retraction cord is inserted, as described in the previous inlay section. During the few minutes required for the cord's effect on the gingival tissues, the diamond instrument is used to prepare the counter bevels on the facial and lingual margins of the reduced cusps. The bevel should be of generous width and should result in 30-degree marginal metal. The best way to judge this is to always maintain a 30-degree angle between the side of the instrument and the external enamel surface beyond the counterbevel. The counterbevel usually should be wide enough so that the cavosurface margin is beyond (gingival to) any contact with the opposing dentition. If a facial (lingual) surface fissure extends slightly beyond the normal position of the counterbevel, it may be included (removed) by deepening the counterbevel in the region of the fissure. If the fissure extends gingivally more than 0.5 mm,
A counterbevel is not placed on the facial cusps of maxillary premolars and first molars where esthetic considerations may dictate using a stubbed margin by blunting and smoothing the enamel margin by the light application of a fine-grit sandpaper disk or the fine-grit diamond instrument (flame-shaped) held at a right angle to the facial surface. The surface created by this blunting should be approximately 0.5 mm in width. For beveling the gingival margins and flaring (secondary) the proximal enamel walls.
After beveling and flaring, any sharp junctions between the counterbevels and the secondary flares are rounded slightly. The fine-grit diamond instrument also is used to bevel the axiopulpal line angles lightly. Such a bevel produces a stronger wax pattern at this critical region by increasing its thickness. Any sharp projecting corners in the preparation are rounded slightly because these projections are difficult to reproduce without voids when developing the working cast and often cause difficulties when seating the casting. The desirable metal angle at the margins of onlays is 40 degrees except at the gingivally directed margins, where the metal angle should be 30 degrees.
When deemed necessary, shallow (0.3 mm deep) retention grooves may be cut in the facioaxial and the linguoaxial line angles with the No. 169L carbide bur. These grooves are especially important for retention when the prepared tooth is short, which is often the case after reducing all the cusps. When properly positioned, the grooves are entirely in dentin near the DEJ and do not undermine enamel. The direction of cutting (translation of the bur) is parallel to the DEJ. The long axis of the No. 169L bur must be held parallel to the line of draw, and the tip of the bur must be positioned in the gingival box internal point angles. If the axial walls are deeper than ideal, however, the correct reference for placing retention grooves is just inside the DEJ to minimize pulpal impacts but avoids undermining enamel.


Modifications in Full Onlay Tooth Preparations

Skirt Preparation

Skirts are thin extensions of the facial or lingual proximal margins of the cast metal onlay that extend from the primary flare to a termination just past the transitional line angle of the tooth. A skirt extension is a conservative method of improving the retention and resistance forms of the preparation. It is relatively atraumatic to the tooth because it involves removing very little (if any) dentin. Usually, the skirt extensions are prepared entirely in enamel.
When the proximal portion of a Class II preparation for an onlay is being prepared and the lingual wall is partially or totally missing, the retention form normally provided by this wall can be developed with a skirt extension of the facial margin. Similarly, if the facial wall is not retentive, a skirt extension of the lingual margin supplies the desired retention form. When the lingual and facial walls of a proximal box are inadequate, skirt extensions on the respective lingual and facial margins can satisfy the retention and resistance form requirements. The addition of properly prepared skirts to three of four line angles of the tooth virtually eliminates the chance of post-restorative fracture of the tooth because the skirting onlay is primarily an extracoronal restoration that encompasses and braces the tooth against forces that might otherwise split the tooth. The skirting onlay is often used successfully for many teeth that exhibit split-tooth syndrome.
The addition of skirt extensions also is recommended when the proximal surface contour and contact are to be extended more than the normal dimension to develop a proximal contact. Extending these proximal margins onto the respective facial and lingual surfaces aids in recontouring the proximal surface to this increased dimension. Also, when improving the occlusal plane of a mesially tilted molar by a cusp-capping onlay, reshaping the mesial surface to a satisfactory contour and contact is facilitated when the mesiofacial and mesiolingual margins are extended generously.
            Skirting also is recommended when splinting posterior teeth together with onlays. The added retention and resistance forms are desirable because of the increased stress on each unit. Because the facial and lingual proximal margins are extended generously, the ease of soldering the connector and finishing of the proximal margins is increased.
A disadvantage of skirting is that it increases the display of metal on the facial and lingual surfaces of the tooth. For this reason, skirts are not placed on the mesiofacial margin of maxillary premolars and first molars. Skirting the remaining three line angles of the tooth provides ample retention and resistance forms.
The preparation of a skirt is done entirely with the slender, flame-shaped, fine-grit diamond instrument. Skirt preparations follow the completion of the proximal gingival bevel and primary flares. Experienced operators often prepare the skirt extensions at the same time that the gingival bevel is placed, however, working from the lingual toward the facial, or vice versa. Maintaining the long axis of the instrument parallel to the line of draw, the operator translates the rotating instrument into the tooth to create a definite vertical margin, just beyond the line angle of the tooth, providing at the same time a 140-degree cavosurface enamel angle (40-degree metal angle). The occlusogingival length of this entrance cut varies, depending on the length of the clinical crown and the amount of extracoronal retention and resistance forms desired. Extending into the gingival third of the anatomic crown is usually necessary for an effective resistance form. In most instances, the gingival margin of the skirt extension is occlusal to the position of the gingival bevel of the proximal box.
The operator should use less than half the tip diameter of the flame-shaped diamond instrument to avoid creating a ledge at the gingival margin of the skirt extension. Using high speed and maintaining the long axis of the diamond instrument parallel with the line of draw, the operator translates the instrument from the entrance cut toward the proximal box to blend the skirt into the primary flare and the proximal gingival margin. The operator must ensure that the line angle of the tooth is not over-reduced when preparing skirt extensions. If the line angle of the tooth is over-reduced, the bracing effect of the skirt is diminished. Holding the diamond instrument at the same angle that was used for preparing the counterbevel, the operator rounds the junction between the skirt and the counterbevel. Any sharp angles that remain after preparation of the skirt need to be rounded slightly because these angles often lead to difficulties in the subsequent steps of the restoration.

Collar Preparation

To increase the retention and resistance forms when preparing a weakened tooth for a mesio-occluso-distal onlay to cap all cusps, a facial or lingual “collar” or both may be provided. To reduce the display of metal, however, the facial surfaces of maxillary premolars and first molars usually are not prepared for a collar. The operator uses a No. 271 carbide bur at high speed parallel to the line of draw to prepare a 0.8 mm–deep shoulder (equivalent to the diameter of the tip end of the bur) around the lingual (or facial) surface to provide for a collar about 2 to 3 mm high occlusogingivally. To provide for a uniform thickness of metal, the occlusal 1 mm of this reduction should be prepared to follow the original contour of the tooth, and any undesirable sharp line angle formed by the union of the prepared lingual and occlusal surfaces should be rounded. This aspect of the preparation is completed by lightly beveling the gingival margin of the shoulder with the flame-shaped, fine-grit diamond instrument to achieve a 30-degree metal angle at the margin.

Slot Preparation

Occasionally, the use of a slot in dentin is helpful in creating the necessary retention form. An example is the mandibular second molar that has no molar posterior to it and requires a mesio-occlusal onlay restoration that caps all of the cusps. The distal, facial, and lingual surfaces are free of caries or other injury, and these surfaces also are judged not to be prone to caries. After cusp reduction, the vertical walls of the occlusal step portion of the preparation have been reduced so as to provide very little retention form. The necessary retention can be achieved by cutting a distal slot. Such a slot is preferred over preparing a box in the distal surface because (1) the former is more conserving of the tooth structure and of the strength of the tooth crown, and (2) the linear extent of marginal outline is less.
To form this slot, the dentist uses a No. 169L carbide bur with its long axis parallel to the line of draw (this must be reasonably close to a line parallel with the long axis of the tooth). The slot is cut in dentin so that it would pass midway between the pulp and the DEJ if it were to be extended gingivally. The position and direction of the slot thus avert (1) the exposure of the pulp, (2) the removal of the dentin supporting the distal enamel, and (3) the perforation of the distal surface of the tooth at the gingival termination of the slot. The slot should have the following approximate dimensions: (1) the width (diameter) of the bur mesiodistally; (2) 2 mm faciolingually; and (3) a depth of 2 mm gingival of the normally positioned pulpal wall. To be effective, the mesial wall of the slot must be in sound dentin; otherwise, the retention form obtained is insufficient.
A comparable situation occurs occasionally: The maxillary first premolar requires a disto-occlusal onlay restoration to cap the cusps, and the mesial surface is non-carious and deemed not prone to caries. To reduce the display of metal and to conserve the tooth structure, a slot similar to that described in the preceding paragraph (except that it is mesially positioned and 1.5 mm wide faciolingually) may be used for the production of adequate retention. The mesio-occlusal marginal outline in this preparation should be distal of the height of the mesial marginal ridge.


1.    Sturdevant’s Art And Science Of Operative Dentistry-5th  Edition

2.    Fundamentals Of Fixed Prosthodontics – Scihllingburg – 3rd Edition

3.    Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics – Rosensteil, Land, Fujimoto – 4th Edition.

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