Saturday, November 18, 2017

Forces Acting on Restorations- A Seminar


The restoration of a tooth, be it with gold, amalgam, porcelain, or any other acceptable material, can be no better than the preparation designed for it.
Mechanics : Webster’s definition is “that science or branch of mathematics which treats the action of forces in bodies”. It is evident that part of oral cavity with which the dental surgeon is largely concerned, is a machine, by means of which forces are applied to food for purpose of comminuting it. The force is the result of contraction of muscles of mastication and is transmitted through rigid structures of jaws to food. It follows, therefore, that these structures are subjected to laws of action of forces on bodies.

The tooth is the immediate agent through which the work of masticating the food is accomplished. The forces required to bring about the comminution of food are applied through the bone of mandible and periodontal membrane to root of the tooth. These forces in turn are determined by the reacting forces on tooth. If the occlusal and incisal surfaces of teeth were flat and at right angles to direction of forces applied, the reaction of tooth would be along its long axis. However, the opposing surfaces are curved, so that other forces are setup and applied and reacting forces are not along long axis of teeth. A study of this problem resolves itself into a study of inclined plane, while the actual cusps themselves are not plane, they may be considered as such by taking the surface of inclined plane as the slope of tangent at point of contact of opposing cusps.
When a force acts perpendicular angles to a fixed horizontal frictionless surface, the surface reacts at right angles to its plane with an equal and opposing forces. If surface is now titled at an angle to the horizontal, it still reacts at right angles to its plane as this is the only direction in which a frictionless surface can react. Its reacting force therefore no longer opposes the applied force in direction nor it is equal to it in magnitude, hence the forces are not in equilibrium, unless and third force enters the picture.

A force can be resolved into a number of component forces usually two at right angles to each other e.g. an oblique force R in the plane of paper can be resolved into a vertical component Y and a horizontal component X as shown. If two forces are applied at a point on a surface and these forces are in equilibrium with the resisting forces of surface, in other words, if surface does not move, there must be force of reaction by surface equal in magnitude to this resultant and in the opposing direction. Such a force would be represented then by reversing direction of resultant.

Vertical forces : These are the forces which act along the long axis of the tooth. They are well tolerated by the underlying periodontium and are less harmful than the horizontal and oblique forces.
In centric occlusion when the opposing teeth contact, the resultant of all the forces are in vertical direction and act axially.
Horizontal forces : Horizontal forces act perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth. These forces are generally the horizontal components of oblique forces generated by contact of the opposing cuspal slopes. When the various horizontal components are in equal and opposing direction then the resultant force is zero. In the centric occlusion and in working bite with thin compressable food in between cusp the horizontal forces are usually balanced if the occlusion is correct.
Oblique forces : Oblique forces act at an angle other than perpendicular. These are the forces which are usually generated by the contact of opposing cusps. They are resolved in two components: the horizontal and the vertical component.
In chewing, the mandible moves from lateral to centric occlusion under forces whose resultant is oblique force which is directed medially. When tough foods are compressed the oblique forces thrust palatal cusp of maxillary teeth and buccal of mandibular teeth.
It is now possible to consider the forces acting at point of contact between two cusps or forces on cuspal incline planes. AB is a tangent drawn at incline plane or contact between two cusps. Angle ‘a’ represents the angle made with horizontal AC by tangent AB of cuspal contact. M is force of mastication and N is resolving

force. M is perpendicular to horizontal AC and N is perpendicular to incline plane, tangent AB. H is the lateral force which would counteract the horizontal component of resolving force and maintain the equilibrium. As angle ‘a’ decreases or as the incline approaches horizontal, N becomes shorter and finally equal M, and H becomes shorter and finally equal to zero. If ‘a’ is increased, N becomes greater and finally approaches infinity as does also H.
A)    In centric occlusion
In figure 1, teeth are in centric occlusion under a pure closing effort. In this, only axial forces are applied to the tooth. Rab gives the magnitude and line of action of resultant of forces ‘a’ and ‘b’ while Hab is horizontal component of Rab. Horizontal component of C is Hc which to meet the condition of equilibrium must equal Hab. Vabc is then the only force acting on tooth as a whole and is equal to sum of vertical components of all the applied forces.

B)    Figure II shows the teeth in lateral relationship or working bite with no food or a very thin layer between their opposing surfaces. In the absence of a force ‘c’, there is no horizontal component to balance Hab. A force ‘c’ may be produced by a thin, compressed layer of food tough enough to offer resistance to bringing the buccal slope of lingual cusp of maxillary tooth

into contact with lingual slope of buccal cusp of lower as in Fig. III, this again approximating a condition of axial loading.
In chewing, the mandible moves from lateral to centric occlusion under forces whose resultant is not vertical but inclined medially.

When tough foods are compressed or all cusps are in intimate contact at three points, forces ‘a’ and ‘b’ are decreased and ‘c’ is increased with resultant changes in their horizontal and vertical components as in Fig. IV. The resultant Rabc is a thrust inclined lingually on maxillary and buccally on the mandibular teeth whose horizontal component is Habc.


  1. Cusps:
Cusps are rounded eminences on the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth. The cusps of lower and upper teeth intercuspate in centric occlusion. The advantage of having these convex surfaces or cusps rather than flat surfaces is that these results in point contacts rather than broad areas of contact. This reduces the overall occlusal load. Another advantage is that they guide the teeth in correct position on intercuspation .During the working or protrusive relationship the number of point of contacts further reduce.
The cusps on the occlusal surfaces are divided in two types with each having certain charteristics which determine how much load it can take. The two types are :
à Functional cusps : Buccal cusp of Mandibular teeth and palatal cusp of maxillary teeth.
à Non functional cusps : Lingual cusp of mandibular teeth and buccal cusp of maxillary teeth.
Functional cusps take up more load and contact 2 opposing cusp in centric occlusion. Whereas the nonfunctional cusp make contact with only one cusp in centric occlusion. However the nonfunctional cusp especially of manibular teeth are more likely to fracture under masticatory load.
Various  features of functional and nonfunctional cusp :
Satish C. Khera (1990) gave various anatomic differences between functional and nonfunctional cusp which determine the fracture potential of both.
à Buccolingual width : All functional cusps were larger in Buccolingual width than the nonfunctional cusp, except the maxillary premolars. The smaller width nonfunctional cusp are thus more likely to fracture. The width of functional cusps of all teeth except maxillary premolar was approx. 57% of buccolingual width of tooth (53-67%). For maxillary premolar value was 47% (46%-48%)
à Enamel thickness :  Enamel thickness between functional & nonfunctional cusps except for mandibular 2nd premolar was significantly different. The difference of 0.126 mm – 0.282 mm was noted with functional cusp having thicker enamel.
à Cuspal inclination : The results of various surveys show that nonfunctional cusp of molars and functional cusp of maxillary premolars fracture with greater frequency. This is consistent with the fact that these cusps have higher inclination as compared to their counterparts.
Cusp inclines are guiding planes for the lateral masticatory movements in group function type occlusal relationship. In the canine protected occlusion these have no part in movement after disoccluding. When centric contact between inclines of functional cusp in lost due to caries or restorative procedure, further eruption of teeth occurs. This results in cuspal incline relationship no longer compatible with lateral excursive movements. This leads to trauma and fracture of cusps as the forces acting on tooth are not in equilibrium.
  1. Transverse ridges on triangular ridges :
These are prominently formed enamel that extends from the cusp tips towards the center of occlusal surfaces, usually ending in fossae or developmental grooves. The cusp tips never perfectly fit into the grooves and sulci because of presence of these convexities. Thus they provide escape spaces needed for efficient occlusion during mastication.
These ridges also appose the opposing sulci and grooves and create the guiding paths. The main ridge sulci occlusion are :
à Triangular ridges of buccal cusp of maxillary molar accommodated into buccal grooves of mandibular molar.
à Distolingual cusp’s triangular ridge fits into lingual groove of maxillary molar.
  1. Oblique transverse ridge :
Another important ridge sulci relationship especially during lateral occlusal movement is of the oblique ridge of maxillary first molar, a triangular ridge extending from disobuccal cusp to mesiolingual cusp. This ridge fits into the sulcus formed on the mandibular 1st molar by junction of distobuccal, central & lingual development groove. During the sliding contact action, from the most facial contact point to centric occlusion, the teeth intercuspate and slide over each other in a directional line approximately parallel with the oblique ridge of the upper first molar.
4.   Marginal Ridges
Ø Normal marginal ridge:

Forces 1 and 2 act on marginal ridges of teeth A and B respectively. The horizontal component of 1, H1 and horizontal component of 2, H2 counteract each other. The vertical component V1 and V2 are resolved normally by underlying tissues.
Ø No marginal ridges:

In this figure, tooth B has no marginal ridge. Force 1 and 2 are acting on tooth A and B. the horizontal component of 2, H2 is missing in tooth B, because force 2 is mainly directly towards tooth A. Horizontal component H2 will drift the tooth A part and vertical component V1 and V2 of both forces 1 and 2 will help food impact vertically. The vertical force V2 will be more than required, there may occur slight tilting of tooth B. This will further deteriorate the resolution of forces and lead to further food impaction.
Ø A marginal ridge with wider occlusal embrassure :

Inspite of putting optimal pressure on marginal ridges of tooth A and B, force 1 and 2 act on adjacent teeth. The force 2 will put pressure on tooth A and force 1 will put pressure on tooth B. this will lead to drifting of both the teeth. The vertical component of forces will wedge the food in between the two teeth.
Ø No occlusal embrasure.

In totality, the vertical component of forces 1 and 2 will be more concentrated than horizontal components. Though there will not be any vertical impaction of food, the continuous impact of higher concentration of vertical component of forces may lead to changes in alveolar bone after sometime.
5.   Sulci, grooves and fossae :
Sulci : Sulci are linear depressions between the enamel ridges with developmental grooves at the bottom of the enamel valley or sulci.
Grooves : Grooves are linear, shallow depressions formed by fusion of developmental lobes.
Fossae : These are shallow depressions formed at the junction of various grooves.
Sulci, grooves, fossae, etc. form the concavities on the occlusal surfaces into which the cusp and ridges interdigitate, without reaching the bottom of above anatomic features. This forms the escapement spaces that are needed for efficient occlusion during mastication. The important cusp fossae relationship are :
à Mesio lingual cusp of maxillary molar fits in major fossae of lower molar in centric occlusion.
à Distolingual cusp of maxillary molar are in apposition to distal triangular fossae and marginal ridge.
à Mesiobuccal cusp of mandibular molar are in apposition to distal fosse and marginal ridge.
à Distobuccal cusps of mandibular molar are accommodated by central fossae of maxillary molar.
A prism or rectangular block of material may be subjected to an applied force, so that the line of action of the force passed through the centre of area to which it is applied and is parallel to the axis or may be perpendicular to this axis as in beams.
The first type which is known as axial loading, is approximated by class 1 and class II restorations when a vertical load is applied over the gingival floor. If the cross-section of the prism is constant, stress distribution is practically uniform along the axis from the point where loads are applied. If there is a variation in the area, stress varies from point to point decreasing as the cross-sectional area increases and vice-versa. The unit stress while no longer uniform across the area may be nearly so, if the change is gradual. If however, the change in cross-sectional area is sudden, there is great concentration of stress at the point of change is sudden, there is great concentration of stress at the point of change as shown below. This could be important in occlusal locks of class II restoration when these locks are subjected to tensile forces due to wedging action of cusps.
In axial loading the applied forces are tensile or compressive but it can be shown that under these forces there will be shearing stresses in the prism in any plane neither perpendicular nor parallel to the applied force. This shearing stress increases to a maximum of 45o and then decreases to zero at 90o. therefore materials that are weaker in shear than in compression or tension rupture in planes at 45o to the axis.
When a load is applied to the axis of a prism, the structure is frequently spoken of as a beam and the mechanical problems are of a different nature from those due to axial loading.

Beams may be divided into two groups. One group consists of the simple beam (A) supported at both ends and the cantilever beam (B) (as in the proxiocclusal restoration) which has one end fixed and other unsupported. The other group consists of beam with both ends restrained (C) as in proximocclusoproximal restorations and the beam with one end restrained and other supported only (D) as in fixed bridge with rests. Simple beam has no counter part in operative dentistry.
When an originally straight beam is loaded, it forms one or more curves depending on its type. The simple beam (A) forms single curve concave upwards. The cantilever beam (B) has one curve concave downward. The beam with both ends retrained (C) in concave upwards in centre but ends are prevented from turning up and thus forms two curves concave downwards. The D beam is concave upward with free and turned up and fixed end concave downward.

Regardless of type, the material on convex side is stretched and thus under tension while on concave side is shortened and thus under compression. A longitudinal surface through the centre of beam is neither lengthened nor shortened and is not stressed. Thus it is known as neutral surface. So resulting tensile and compressive stresses known as bending stresses increases from zero at the neutral surface to maximum at the top and bottom surface of beam. These determine the greatest load a beam can safely carry.
The bending stresses at any point along the beam are determined by the bending moment at that point. The bending moment at any cross-section is simply the algebraic sum of moments of all the forces acting on one side of cross-section. It is necessary to take the moments of forces on only one side of any imagined section because the sum of moments on either side is equal to the sum of those on other side, since the beam is in equilibrium.
In case of cantilever beam, the bending moment increases as the distance from the load increases. In the case of simple beam, it increases from zero at either end upto the point of application of load.
It is evident from what has preceded that in case of cantilever beam, the bending moment is greatest at its point of support and in simple beam at point of application of load, hence the compressive and tensile stresses are greatest at these points.
In order that a beam be not permanently deformed, the maximum bending stresses i.e. those in the material at the top and bottom of the beam at the point of greatest bending moment, must not exceed the proportional limit of material. For a beam of a given shape, the larger the cross-section, the greater the strength. However the effect of shape on beams of same cross-sectional area is not obvious. Briefly, an increase in the vertical depth of beam causes a greater increase in the strength than a corresponding increase in its width. This knowledge may be of importance in occlusal step of a class II restoration.
The vertical displacement of a point on the neutral surface of a horizontal beam from the loaded to unloaded position is called deflection of beam at that point. It has been shown that the bending stresses in a beam depend on length and manner of loading (bending moment) and shape and size of the cross-section (section modulus). They are entirely independent of the material of which the beam is made. Whereas deflection depends upon modulus of elasticity. Greater the modulus of elasticity lesser the deflection.
It can be shown also that the deflection of a beam increases directly as the cube of its length, inversely as its width and inversely as the cube of its depth. The above statement is for rectangular or triangular cross-section. For a round beam, the relationship is inversely as the fourth power of the diameter, means if diameter is doubled, the deflection is 1/16 as great. The deflection of gold inlays and bridge abutments which are luted in cavity by cement may be a determining factor in the life of restoration. If deformation or deflection increase certain limit cement bond is broken.
As mentioned earlier the proximocclusal and proximocclusoproximal restoration may be thought of as a cantilever beam and a beam restained at both ends respectively. In structure of two materials, the material with the higher modulus of elasticity supported the greater part of load. Because some material in use today have modulus of elasticity several times that of tooth structure, the occlusal step of class. 11 restoration is not fully supported by the pulpal floor of the cavity & consequently behaves like a beam.
The cantilever beam has a bending moment at the point of support equal to the load P times the length L. This moment is transmitted to the embedded portion of beam which in the proximocclusal restoration is its proximal part. As a result this part tends to rotate out of the cavity, Gingival retention with a moment equal to PL is required to prevent this. The retentive force R must equal PL/l where l is distance from under surface to gingival floor.
DEJ contour of the functional cusps is dramatically different from that of non-functional cusp. A recent study reported that this contour is concave in occlusal third of DEJ in functional cusps of all teeth except maxillary premolars that were concave in non-functional buccal cusp.
In the study by Vijay K. Goel et al. (1991), normal & shear stresses in enamel & dentin varied along the DEJ. Maximum stresses were at occlusal & cervical level. The extremely cervical enamel demonstrated a high level of normal compressive stresses, but dentin demonstrated normal stresses to be tensile in character. This tensile character of stresses in dentin along DEJ, in combination with compressive character of stresses in enamel in some area, may lead to separation of enamel from dentin. This separation could also be exhibited as cervical enamel chipping where it is extremely thin. In addition, cervical area has a weak mechanical bond between enamel & dentin because of  lack of scalloping pattern of the DEJ.
Compressive occlusal stresses in enamel & dentin are high along the actual contour of DEJ. This has limited clinical significance because in this region, enamel & dentin are perpendicular to masticatory load & respond similar.
The class I restoration is the simplest as to form, of those subject to heavy masticatory loading. The entire restoration is enclosed in tooth structure except the occlusal surface. The side walls are usually parallel except in the case of inlays where there is a slight divergence. The floor is flat.
If we slope the floor pulpwise toward the centre the following situations may arrive. Because this type of cavity preparation removes more tooth structure at centre of dentin bridge over the pulp, this bridge is weaker and less rigid at the point where bending stresses are greatest. The side walls lend no support against occlusal loading as in case of parallel or diverging walls thus taking non of load from the pulpal floor. Because of this increased deflection, it would be natural to expect failure of margins particularly in young dentin and where the pulp chamber is large.
Often upon the excavation of decay a rounded pulpal floor remains. This has the same disadvantage of a weakened dentin bridge over the pulp but has the further disadvantage of an increase in the unit normal stress in the deepest part of the cavity. This can be understood by considering a cylindrical cavity with a hemispherical base of same radius.

Around the periphery at the union of the hemispherical and cylindrical portion, there is applied load. From this point to the deepest part of cavity, the unit stress increases to a maximum. If friction is neglected, the minimum unit stress become double for unit stress for a cylindrical restoration of same size with a flat base.
A restoration with a rounded base when loaded eccentrically, tends to rotate as a result of moment produced by the applied force and eccentricity. This rotation is prevented by side walls of cavity which exerts a horizontal force H, opposing it. There is an opposing horizontal force ‘H1’ near base of the restoration resisting force ‘H’, in the same manner that there is vertical force ‘P’ acting on the base opposing the masticatory load. This follows from the conditions of equilibrium i.e. the forces and their moments must add up algebraically to zero. The stress on side walls varies inversely as the square of length of cylinder. This means that if the length of cylindrical wall is doubled the maximum stress is one fourth as great. It is possible that in shallow cavities with rounded bases, a compressive stress which results in the above manner and is maximum at margins of restoration, would be sufficient to cause a shear failure of restoration (amalgam). The stresses may be reduced to a minimum by extending the cavity horizontally and cutting a flat ledge around the periphery at depth of pulpal floor or flat floor at three points so situated as to render the restoration stable against tipping.

It was pointed out that an eccentric load applied to a prism through a rigid plate produced tensile stresses in the prism which would cause the plate the prism to separate in the region of these stresses, if the eccentricity of load exceeded a certain value. This principle applies particularly to inlay whose diameter is large compared to depth. Fig. I and II illustrates this for rectangular and circular cavities. The cross-hatched areas are safe areas.
Stability may be improved by increasing the depth of cavity and having the side walls approach as nearly perpendicularly to pulpal floor as possible. If the restoration approaches the cusp apices these should be capped so that the compressed side may receive support from enamel on class II cavity, tipping is prevented by proximal portion. In class I cavity, additional stability may be gained by buccal and lingual extensions.
In the case of large class I restoration overlying a large pulp chamber, it fractures under a heavy concentrated load in its centre if the restoration does not have sufficient thickness. In this case, the yielding dentin over the pulp would cause most of load to be transferred to dentin of axial walls of pulp chamber and bending stresses would be introduced. These stresses would vary much the same as for a beam i.e. directly as radius and inversely as the square of the depth. From this, it follows that for the larger restorations in order to the sure of sufficient strength, the depth should be increased with an increase in the diameter.
It has been pointed out that :-
1)      When the modulus of elasticity of material of a class II restoration is higher than that of tooth structure, the restoration functions as a beam.
2)      Because of end moments, the gingival portion of these restorations must be locked mechanically to prevent their rotation out of cavity.
3)      That in locking gingival portions, they become curved beams whose bending stresses at the axiopulpal line angles increase rapidly with a decrease in the radius of curvature of these angles.
The manner in which the difference in the moduli of material and tooth structure causes the tendency to rotate may be seen as :-

When a uniform load 2P is applied, the dentin prism of height ‘h’ is stressed less because of lower modulus of elasticity than the corresponding gold prism so that the whole gold structure tends to rotate counter clockwise. A gingival lock is required to prevent this rotation by exerting the retentive force ‘R’ which combined with the resistance ‘R’ of axial wall produces a couple which cancels the couple of forces P-D and Q-P.
What takes place in tooth under a uniformly distributed load may be represented as by figure following :-

Since the bending stress at axiopulpal line angle increase rapidly as its radius of curvature decreases, the axiopulpal line angle should be well rounded for additional at this point.
The proximocclusoproximal restorations depend on some what different principles. There is no couple tending to rotate the restoration as a whole since it is supported at both ends. However, moments are produced at both ends as is true of all because retrained at both ends. In this case, the proximal portions tend to rotate out of cavity. The centre of rotation are a the intersection of neutral planes, not at axiopulpal line angles. The bending of occlusal portion is caused by difference between the total masticatory force and support given by pulpal floor of cavity. Gingival retention and rounding of axiopulpal line angles are required as in proximocclusal cavity. What takes place in tooth may be represented as :

It is obvious that in any class II restoration, the bending stresses produces and gingival retention required depend on how much the modulus of elasticity of the material exceeds that of tooth structure. Casting gold may have a modulus as much as 10 times that of dentin.
Even modulus of amalgam may be higher than that of deciduous dentin which may account for failure of class II amalgam in deciduous teeth.
A large pulp chamber would also cause greater bending stresses than a small one because of less support by the pulpal floor.
It was pointed out that a wedging action may be produced by opposing cusps contacting transverse and marginal ridge or cusps and marginal ridges. When this wedging action takes place in such a way that one point of contact is on a proximocclusal restoration while the other is on tooth structure, it follows that there is a tendency to wedge the two apart with a rotation about the gingival cavosurface angle. It is to prevent this that the occlusal lock is used even though the occlusal surface is not involved by caries.

In the actual case, there may be more than two points of contacts so that these forces would not be halved. Therefore any force which results from this wedging and is normal to marginal ridge lies in a perpendicular to axial and gingival wall is represented by N is above Fig. the moment of this force which tends to cause the rotation about gingival cavosurface angle is Nd. However for practical purposes, Nd equals Ha since the vertical component V passes approximately through the centre of rotation 0 and therefore its moment has a value near zero.
Attempts have frequently been made to prevent this displacement, which consist of a rotation about the gingival cavosurface angle by converging buccal and lingual walls from gingival towards the occlusal. But the convergence of these walls to avoid the use of occlusal locks i.e. at a great mechanical disadvantage. The obvious solution is the occlusal lock as given in Fig. In which tension R is approximately equal to horizontal component of force H since ‘a’ and ‘a’ are nearly equal. The occlusal lock reduces stress in buccal and lingual walls due to ‘H’ to zero.
Of the proximal restorations of an anterior teeth, only class IV needs to be considered as class III normally is unaffected by masticatory forces. The problems involved in class IV are not usually difficult because the applied forces are not great. Where the force usually difficult because the applied forces are not great. Where the force of mastication is applied directly to the restoration, it is preferable where possible, to have the retention in the incisal portion of the tooth. The function of this retention is however different from that of class II. In the later, occlusal lock is under tensile and transverse load, while in class IV, the incisal lock is subjected only to a transverse load, as there is no wedging action resulting from cusps. There is no tendency of this restorations to rotate about gingival cavosurface angle as in class II. The tendency is to rotate about an axis parallel to long axis of tooth. It is frequently impossible because of the labiolingual thinness of the tooth to put the retention at incisal edge and it must therefore be placed on lingual surfaces. In order to reduce the stress in this lingual lock, it should be as close to the incisal edge as is possible and still be in dentin. Since in maxillary teeth, the force of mastication has a labial component the lingual lock is more firmly seated in tooth under load. A lingual lock in mandibular tooth would have little retention except the shear stress of cement as the component of masticatory force from labial to lingual.

The class V restoration, being confined to one surface and not subject to occlusal loading is usually thought of as free from mechanical problems, the only difficulties encountered being those usually associated with inaccessibility. Analysis of the problem indicate that distortion of tooth which may occur under certain conditions could result in displacement of restoration.
From working bite to occlusion, the lingual slopes of buccal and lingual cusps of maxillary teeth normally contact the buccal slopes of buccal and lingual cusps of mandibular teeth. Applying the principles of inclined plane, there is therefore a component of force acting on the buccal and lingual cusps of mandibular teeth perpendicular to their axis. Tooth being more or less firmly held in the alveolus is thus subjected to a transverse force and consequently would tend to bend in the same manner as a beam loaded similarly.
If a cavity is now cut on the buccal surface of such a tooth, the dimension of the beam parallel to the direction of transverse load is reduced. This means that the depth of beam is decreased and consequently its deflection is increased. In other words, the mandibular tooth subject to the horizontal lingual force bends more under a given load than before the cavity was cut. Since this portion of tooth is under tension and there can be no cohesion between the tooth structure and material, a wedge shaped gap now opens up between restoration and tooth at occlusal wall.

The transverse force (shown for the buccal cusp only) and consequently the bending moment HL would increase with cusp slop and/or lingual inclination of mandibular tooth. P is force normal to tangent at point of contact and H is component perpendicular to long axis of tooth. The axial component V will cause a uniform compressive stress. From the figure, it is evident that a cavity in buccal surface of maxillary tooth would not open up as this side of tooth is under compression.

Fracture potential after cavity preparation
Vale W.A. (1956) conducted a biomechanical study on class II cavity. He used contralateral pairs of premolars. One of each pair was an intact control while the other was prepared class II cavity. The teeth were then fractured by a compressive load applied by steel ball centered in occlusal fossa.
Vale showed that :
  • When the isthmus width was one-quarter the intercuspal distance. The fracture force was the same as intact tooth.
  • When the isthmus width was one-third the intercuspal dimension, the fracture force was two-third that of intact controls.
  • No difference was evident between fracture strength of empty cavities and those restored with class II amalgam restoration.
  • No difference was evident between fracture strength of empty cavities and those restored with class II gold inlays.
  • Teeth with gold overlays were twice as strong as unrestored teeth.
Other studies using similar technique have been confirmatory, contradictory and thus confusing. Thus other more sensitive technique was developed by Grimaldi J. R. and Hood J.A.A. in 1973. This used strain gauges bonded to buccal and palatal surfaces to measures cusp movements.
The defections of buccal and palatal cusps were :
Total defections
11 um – intact tooth
16 um – Minimal width class I
20 um – Minimal width class II MO cavity
24 um – Minimal width class II MOD cavity
32.5 um – Extended class II MOD cavity
27.5 um – Cavity after pulpotomy
Thus consequences of Class II restorations are :
-          Lowering in the cavity floor increases the cusp height and thus more deflection.
-          Increasing the width of isthmus decreases the width of cusp and leads to more deflection.
Explanation for above consequence is based on the fact that following class II restorations cusp can be considered behaving as a cantilever beam. If cusp height doubles as floor drops, then deflection increases eight fold due to L3 factor in formula. Similarly if cusp width decreases by half, deflection will also increase by eight fold due to the t3 factor.

D = Deflection, L = Length, E = Elastic modulus,  I = Moment of inertia and t = thickness. 
Under these circumstances fracture occurs as cusp flex and induce stress at the internal line angles of cavity. Usually clinical fracture starts at pulpoaxial line angle of isthmus box and passes obliquely downwards to area of enamel-cementum junction. Stresses can be minimized in these areas by rounding of internal line angles.


1.      The American Textbook of Operative Dentisty, Arthur B. Gabel.
2.      Operative Dentistry, M.A. Marzouk, First Ed.; p:43, 53-54; 121-157.
3.      Analysis of Amalgam Cavity Design. Louis G. Terkla, David B Mahler. J.P.D. 29: No.2, 204; 1973.
4.      Biomechanics of Intact, prepared and restored tooth – Some clinical implications, JAA Hood. Int. Dent J 1991;41:25-32.
5.      Stresses at dentinoenamel junction of human teeth – A finite element investigation. J.P.D. 1991;66; 451-59, Vijay K. Goel.
6.      Anatomy of cusps of posterior teeth and their fracture potential. JPD 1990; 64:139-47, Satish C. Khera.
7.      Cavity preparations Vale W.A., Ir. Dent. Rev. 1956, 2:33.
8.      Mondelli J. et al, J. Prosth. Dent. 1980, 43:419.
9.      Grimaldi J.R. and Hood JAA, J.D.R. 1973, 52:584.

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