Thursday, September 14, 2023

Why does my kid have discolored teeth?

Are you worried about your kids smile ??
Does your child have discolored teeth ??
Do you want your child to have a beautiful smile ??

If the answer to all the above questions is a YES ! then this article is for you.

Most of the times parents are worried about the stains on the kids teeth, but the problems is they notice it a little late. When the stains have increased they start paying attention to it as it starts becoming physically more visible. But actually that should not have been the case. 

Did you know the child’s first dental visit should be done by the Child’s First birthday??
Did you know we should start brushing our kid’s teeth when the first tooth erupts in the child’s mouth??

The awareness for dental and oral health is very blurred in our society, so the rate of ECC (Early Childhood Caries) is also very high. According to a survey, India has a prevalence of 51.9% of ECC.

What is a Discolored Tooth?

The natural color of the permanent teeth varies from slightly yellow to white, not pure white. So any change in the natural color of teeth signifies discolored teeth, it might be more towards yellow, black or even sometimes a little green.

Kids mainly have black stains on the surface of their teeth which usually start on the gum line.Pulp. So, if the discoloration involves only the outer layer i.e the enamel then the stains are extrinsic. If the inner layers are also involved then the stains are intrinsic. 

Causes of Discolored Teeth and their Prevention and Treatment

1. Chromogenic Bacteria

staining due to Chromogenic bacteria on kids teeth, discoloured teeth , chromogenic bacteria, black stains, kids teeth
Source: Stomatopedia Atlas

These are the colonies of bacteria which are mainly present in a child’s mouth which causes the discoloration of the child’s teeth. 

These bacteria when once are not removed start depositing on the surface of the tooth and stain the tooth causing black or sometimes even orange stains. These can be very easily diagnosed but a professional opinion is always required.

The stains can be avoided if proper oral hygiene is maintained, and it is a parents or the care givers responsibility to brush the child’s teeth twice a day, as the children younger than the age of 7 lack the dexterity to brush their teeth themselves effectively. 

These stains are extrinsic stains and can be removed professionally by the dentist, but can not be removed at home with simple brushing once the stains are formed. 

The number of chromogenic bacteria keeps reducing in the child’s mouth as the child grows and the permanent teeth start erupting.

Prevention and Treatment:

  • – Brushing twice a day is the best solution. The plaque formation starts within the 24 hours of brushing and slowly it starts to harden in approximately 42-72 hours and then is difficult to remove. 
    So, brushing twice a day will help in removing the plaque from the surface of the tooth and prevent the bacteria from depositing. Use a grain size of kids age appropriate fluoridated tooth paste and brush twice daily for a child less than 3 years of age and a pea size of the toothpaste after the child turns 3 years of age. 
  • – Regular dental visits are important. Yes, you heard it right regular dental visits even for children are important and should be done once every 6 months. The dentist will remove the stains with a professional cleaning. 

The stains will come back if a proper oral hygiene is not maintained. 

For full article Click here

Friday, February 10, 2023

Painless Root Canal Treatment in Mohali & Chandigarh — 32 Sparklets | Dentist In Mohali | Best Dentist in Mohali


Painless Root Canal Treatment in Mohali & Chandigarh — 32 Sparklets | Dentist In Mohali | Best Dentist in Mohali

painless root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is one of the most common procedures performed in a dental clinic. Patients are sometimes apprehensive regarding the root canal procedure due to fear of pain during the treatment. Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is done to treat infected or damaged teeth. The treatment involves removing the damaged or infected pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) and cleaning and sealing the root canal system to prevent reinfection and preserve nearby structures. Dr Nitish Singla (BDS, MDS Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) is our Root Canal Specialist, who specialises in Single sitting painless root canal treatment.

When do you need a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected or damaged, typically as a result of:

  • Deep Cavity in teeth
  • Trauma/Fracture to the teeth
  • Long-standing Gum Disease
  • Discoloured Teeth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold fluids
  • Pus discharge from a particular teeth
  • Intentional Root canal for Crown Placement

The main reason why a patient might require a root canal procedure is due to a deep cavity which approaches the blood and nerve supply of the teeth and has started becoming symptomatic. The patient experiences acute or chronic pain on the offending side and gets unbearable with time. The pain can occur spontaneously, on consuming hot and cold fluids or while chewing.

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

The root canal procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Anaesthesia: Your dentist will numb the area around the tooth to ensure that you’re comfortable during the procedure.
  2. Access: A small hole will be made in the top of the tooth to access the pulp.
  3. Cleaning: The damaged or infected pulp will be removed, and the root canal system will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  4. Filling: The root canal system will be filled with a special material to prevent reinfection.
  5. Sealing: The access hole will be sealed, and a temporary filling will be placed over the area.
  6. Restoration: After the root canal procedure, a permanent restoration, such as a crown, will be placed over the tooth to protect it and restore its function.

How many visits are required for Root Canal Treatment?

Earlier Root canal treatment would require 3 to 4 visits, however, nowadays with the advent of newer techniques complete root canal treatment can be completed in a single visit. You can consult with your doctor regarding the number of visits.

Will 32 Sparklets Dental Implant & Root Canal Center perform Painless Root Canal Treatment in Mohali?

Yes, Dr Nitish Singla is the root canal specialist at 32 Sparklets. With more than 10 years of experience, he makes the procedure painless. He thinks that every tooth should be given a second chance and that extracting the tooth should be the last resort. Do visit the testimonial section to hear what our patients have to say about him. With the help of the latest techniques and armamentarium, the procedure is ensured completely painless. Book your appointment with Dr Nitish Singla to know more about the root canal procedure.

What are the benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment has several benefits, including:

  1. Saving the Tooth: Root canal treatment can save a damaged or infected tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.
  2. Preventing Further Damage: By removing the damaged or infected pulp, root canal treatment can prevent further damage to the tooth and surrounding tissues.
  3. Relieving Pain: Root canal treatment can relieve the pain and discomfort associated with a damaged or infected pulp.
  4. Improving Oral Health: By saving a damaged or infected tooth, root canal treatment can improve your overall oral health and prevent the need for further dental procedures.

Considerations Before Getting a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canal treatment is a common procedure, but it’s important to consider the following factors before deciding to undergo the procedure:

  1. Cost: The cost of root canal treatment can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the type of restoration required.
  2. Time: Root canal treatment typically takes one to two visits to complete, but the length of the procedure can vary depending on the extent of the damage.
  3. Aftercare: Proper aftercare, such as avoiding hard or sticky foods and maintaining good oral hygiene, is essential to ensure the success of root canal treatment.

What is the cost of a Root Canal Treatment in Mohali?

At 32 Sparklets Dental Implant & Root Canal Treatment, Root canal treatment charges are pretty much nominal. Front teeth charges are Rs. 3,500 onwards and Back teeth RCT charges start from Rs. 4,000. Actual cost may vary depending upon the clinical situation. And unlike others, the charges for Root canal treatment are the same for single or multiple sitting root canal treatment.

How to Book an Appointment for Root Canal Treatment in Mohali?

You can call +91–9501015088 or +91–9646805088 to book an appointment for the root canal treatment at 32 Spraklets Dental implant & Root Canal Center, Mohali with our Endodontist Dr Nitish Singla or you can also visit the dental clinic at H. NO. 2407, Sector 79, Mohali.


Root canal treatment is a common procedure to treat damaged or infected teeth. The treatment involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, cleaning and sealing the root canal system, and placing a permanent restoration over the tooth. Root canal treatment has several benefits, including saving the tooth, preventing further damage, relieving pain, and improving oral health. If you’re considering root canal treatment, it’s important to talk to your dentist about the cost, time, and aftercare involved to determine if it’s the right option for you.

Friday, November 4, 2022

TLISMI MOTI: Should you give it to your baby??

 Tlismi Moti or teething jewellery is not recommended for kids in the present times as it poses a threat to the kid. FDA in December 2018 banned the use of tlismi moti for kids as it can pose strangulation risk for babies.

Dr. Garima Verma has written a very good article about this on his blog you can read the full article here.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

New Website Alert :

  Hi all, 

we have moved to our new website related to Dental and Parenting.

If you wish to read more about the Dental Health and Parenting articles please visit our new website

Why does my kid have discolored teeth?

Are you worried about your kids smile ?? Does your child have discolored teeth ?? Do you want your child to have a beautiful smile ?? If the...